Significant Of Medical Information Management System

Imagine that a former patient from hospital files a claim against the hospital. The accusation made against her facility is "the mysterious disappearance of plaintiff's medical records". He claims that his medical records and files that recorded the previous treatments undergone by him are nowhere to be found. The entire hospital was put on alert all the staffs were ordered to locate the file 'in particular'. Countless hours are lost in this process, the room where medical records are kept, looks similar to a city devastated by a tornado or an avalanche. Panic and anxiety of flying high, and the tedious process of "hunting" for the file results in wastage of time, energy and money.

The ability to effectively manage medical information is reminiscent of the ability to provide care in most low-income countries, most hospitals or medical centers are understaffed and patients are often squeezed into a limited space. Particularly in cases of emergency, the log files of patients can be a difficult test and to avoid any unpleasant or chaotic situations arising, effective medical information management system to maintain medical records.

Medical records relates to management: planning, control, management, organization, training, advocacy and other activities related to building management, maintenance, use and disposal of medical records to achieve adequate and proper documentation of the policies of an organization health care and transactions. To effectively carry out these functions, the hospital or health center must have personnel trained in the development and maintenance of fully integrated information management, data storage programs, protection and recovery. In other words, is one of the prime responsibilities of the medical organizations and institutions to take all necessary measures to protect patient information?

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