Image Guided Radiotherapy Verification A New Approach To Control Tumor

Image Guided Radiotherapy Verification is the use of imaging techniques in the path of radiation, with the aim of improving techniques through greater treatment accuracy. This greater precision then opens the door for the possibility that dose escalation in order to try to achieve better tumor control.

IGRV use during the planning stage of radiation therapy treatment has been shown to have a number of significant advantages. The first is the accurate staging of the disease. Exact staging is part of the stage of diagnosis, treatment before delivery, and is important in determining the proper treatment modality, not only in terms of optimal effective treatment, but also in terms of cost efficiency. For example, if a more accurate radiotherapy imaging technique was to show spread of the tumor, which was not yet evident in other imaging techniques, the oncologist may opt for a more systematic treatment line on the first localized radiation therapy alone. 

The disease is a precise location also has a role to play in the palliative treatment of cancer patients. Images showing the truth of the absolute extent of disease that a patient can not undergo unnecessary radical treatment will not prolong life or improve symptoms. By using radiotherapy imaging techniques of radiotherapy, the doctors are able to figure the exact position and start treating the patient.

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